¿Quién es esta persona? Esta es una pregunta que me hago a menudo al ver fotos, pero curiosamente me pasa mucho más a menudo cuando son mujeres. Desgraciadamente, a través de la historia, las mujeres han sido ignoradas por sus logros y contribuciones a la sociedad, relegándolas al papel de madres o parejas de algún hombre conocido e "importante". Así que he decidido compartir con vosotros algunas mujeres a las que admiro (por muy diversas razones) y que considero importante que sean conocidas o recordadas. Mujeres de actitudes y decisiones valientes, contrarias a las normas impuestas.
Desde aquí, quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todas ellas, las que os iré contando y todas aquellas que aún no he tenido el placer de descubrir.
Quiero empezar con Gerda Taro.
Se llamaba en realidad Gerta Pohorylle, y era hija de judíos polacos. Era fotógrafa y vino a España durante la Guerra Civil a cubrir el conflicto junto a su pareja, André Friedman (más conocido, después, como Robert Capa). Robert Capa era un seudónimo que ambos utlizaban para vender sus fotos así que algunas de las fotos atribuídas a André Friedman son realmente de ella. Desgraciadamente murió en la batalla de Brunete, durante la retirada del ejército durante un bombardeo de la aviación nazi. Lamentablemente las fotos de la batalla no se encontraron. Tenía 27 años cuando murió y tras su muerte su figura se ha ido desdibujando y olvidando.
Os he contado muy poco y os invito a que investiguéis o leáis sobre ella porque su vida es corta pero apasionante y cuando la ves en una foto te das cuenta de que es una mujer de ahora, divertida, interesante, alguien que podría ser vuestra amiga, perfectamente.
Who is this person? This is a question I ask myself often when I look at photos, but strangely it happens more often when they are women. Unfortunately, through history, women have been ignored for their achievements and contributions to society, relegating them to the role of mothers or partners from a well known or "important" man. So I decided to share with you some women whom I admire (for various reasons) and I consider important to be known or remembered.
Women with courageous attitudes and decisions, contrary to the rules imposed.
From here, I want to express my thanks to all of them, those that I'll tell you about and all those who haven't yet had the pleasure of discovering.
I want to start with Gerda Taro.
Her real name was Gerta Pohorylle, ad was the daughter of polish jews.
She was a photographer and came to Spain during the Civil War to cover the conflict with his partner, André Friedman (known afterwards as Robert Capa). Robert Capa was a pseudonym they both used to sell their photos, so some of the pictures attributed to André Friedman are really hers.
Unfortunately he died in the battle of Brunete, during the withdrawal of the republican army during a bombing raid from the nazi aviation.
Unfortunately the pictures of the battle were not found. He was 27 when he died and after his death his figure has become blurred and forgotten.
I have told you very little about her but I invite you to research or read about her because her life is short but exciting, and when you see a photo of her you realize it's a woman of now, funny, interesting, someone who could be, perfectly, your friend.
3 comentarios:
this series is a very cool idea!
I was sure that you would like it, especially you! Thank you!
this series is a very cool idea!
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