I want to thank Pikaland for the mention in her blog! I'm flattered!
Please take a look at the great Pikapackage project.

And I want to thank Lonnie for all the beautiful stuff he sent me. You can see more work here. Gracias Lonnie por todo! Fué un placer!
Another sketch today.
Illustrator Amy Brown.
4 comentarios:
Admiration and interest were my first feelings when I’ve entered your blog. It is indeed the most remarkable creation I’ve ever seen! Moreover, your manner of writing and the photos are absolutely fine and I think everyone would agree with my words. All this made me immediately add the blog to my links. Thank you very much for such a marvelous web page and I will surely enter it again
El "Booooo" está de miedo!
Está bien dar las gracias de vez en cuando, como dice el refrán...pero no te extrañes de que tengas éxito porque haces unas cosas muuuuuy bonitas, con mucha gracia y se ven curradas De eso se da cuenta todo el mundo. Buen trabajo compañera..
Natascha, el placer fué mio.
Un honor tener su trabajo conmigo.
Saludos desde Managua
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