martes, 30 de octubre de 2007


Ana sent me lots of teas. I opened one teabag today and I found this proverb written on it. It's funny because I'm flying to Shanghai tomorrow. I'll be off 15 days but I will try to post if I can. I'm nervous. I've never been in China, it'll be an adventure!


Last week I found the perfect recipe for chocolate and cranberries cookies.



And after having the cookies I went to Estampa 2007: The international print and contemporary art edition. I was a little bit disapointed but I discover how much I love engravings.
There were a lot of screenprintings but most artists don't do it themselves. They use big machines and the finished art is so perfect that I feel it has no charm. To get this level of perfection I prefer printing. love to see little imperfections in the screenprintings made at home or at the artist's studios.
But I found a female artist (I cant remember the name!!) that makes glass-fiber sculptures.They are very original and they are even better in person!! You wish you could hug them!

4 comentarios:

syko kajsa dijo...

Good luck on your trip, I understand that you are nervous, it is always scary to go to a country where you can't understand the language nor writing (or maybe you speak Chinese?).

v a l e r i a c i s dijo...

buen viaje! esperamos fotos! un beso grande.

misspink dijo...

Hola, estoy preparando una exposición colectiva en Salamanca para donar los beneficios íntegramente a la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, me gustaría que le echases un vistazo por si te animas a participar.
Un saludo y sin ningún compromiso por supuesto.

Sistermoon dijo...

Yo también estuve en el ifema, fue muy interesante y los muñecos fueron una cosa muy llamativa!! la primera vez que incluyn comic y muñecos en esta expo.