Well, definitely I can't understand all the problems and complexity of all the different internet browsers! Some of you have been very kind letting me know about the problem when viewing my webshop. After trying to fix it I can only say that
I can't fix it and I don´t know why Internet Explorer doesn't want to show my webshop propperly. It's very frustrating. If anyone has a good idea or solution that could be helpfully(more helpfully than mine, which is to bump my computer with a pillow), I thank you in advance.
For all of you who pursue your dreams:
I've been bussy finishing some projects:


A Bunny for Inês.

A Wolfboy for a boy named Jonatan.
9 comentarios:
Me encanta todo lo nuevo que tienes en la tienda para Navidad, ¡cosas preciosas y únicas con tus preciosas y únicas ilustraciones! Y yo uso Safari o Firefox y se ve todo estupendamente ;)
well, I(like allways love your work)! I use "dreamweaver" for making my site and "lycos" as a host. Hope your problems will be fixed soon :)
Natasha, I'm in love with all your new things! I love the soft paintings, I may have to order a few more ornaments for our tree, ah! its all really really great. You've been very busy. I saw (and snapped a photo) of your things at Plush You, so great to see them in person. So inpsiring! xo
Love these new little guys- so, so, so wonderful!
How cute is that!!! :0)
Podrías decirme qué material usas para los sellos y dónde se puede comprar?
Muchas gracias
oh! que cosas más bonitas!! siento no poder ayudarte con ty problema :-( pero espero q lo soluciones pronto!
I found your blog after you left a comment on mine. Thanks for the visit, and what a delight to see your things. These love bunnies etc are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Que bonito ver las ilustraciones tan nobles, veo a los niños que estan dentro de ustedes y quienes las ven vuelven a jugar.
Imagino como eran sus cuadernos antiguos y como ahora lo pueden expresar,,,,simplemente fantastico.
Cada dia me sorprendo mas con sus Blog.
Ayer fue mi primera visita a un blog y el mismo dia hasta las 4am trabaje en el mio.
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